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May 12th-14th @ Casa do Pateo no Meco


Another edition of the Retreat Women's Path returns, guided by Deva Shamim.


This Retreat has been around for 10 years and has awakened many Women on the Road back to Themselves.


Because of the way we lead our lives with stress, anxiety, too busy with countless tasks, multiple roles we play, we spend too much time in mind and action. We end up neglecting our intuition, our needs of Cyclical Women, the receptivity, our nourishment, the connection with Mother Earth and with other Women / Sisters.


Grounding our Energy is Essential!


Anchoring our center and live from there!


Being aware of our feminine cycles, respect them, manifest creatively with focus and awareness.


This Retreat gives us the opportunity to Stop and Feel.


Where am I? How do I feel? Where am I going? Do I respect my Cycle and my different needs throughout the same? Do I know how to anchor my energy? Do I assume my Personal Power?

These and many others questions will be before you in this Retreat so that You can find your answers!


In this Retreat we will use a mix of Contemporary and Ancestral Practices to guide us on the journey back to our Essence:


  • Dance (as medicine because when we dance we broaden our perception of who we are and where we came from. To dance, to heal and to restore our spirit)

  • Breathing, Expression and Emotional Freedom (using Bioenergetics and Active Osho Meditations)

  • Rituals of Conection with Mother Earth and the 4 Elements

  • Circle of Awareness of the importance of Menstruation and its Rites of Passage -Soul Hunting Ritual -Sharing Circles and Songs

  • Womb Blessing and Healing -Moments of Silence and Personal Creativity


A weekend to nourish yourself, be with yourself, get to know yourself better and remember your forgotten parts.


Time to share and learn from other Women on the same Path as You.


Registration and Information for:


Discount values for applications until 1 of May:

  • Shared Room: € 210

  • Dorm: € 190

  • Own Tent: 170 €


Values after May 1:

  • Shared Room: € 240

  • Dorm: € 210

  • Own Tent: 190 €

We will be happy to welcome you


Rua das Giestas, Fornos

2970-365 Sesimbra, Portugal


+351 966 176 871 (mobile phone)


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